
About Us - Who We Are


Children’s Programs at Saint Andrews (K-5th Grade)


Children’s Worship

Sundays at 9:15am and 11:20am

Family Life Center Room 5

After the Children’s Sermon at the beginning of each Sunday worship service (9am and 11am), children are invited for a time of worship designed just for them! One of our capable leaders will walk with them to their own space where they will follow an age-appropriate, video-driven worship service.

Each week is filled with scripture, a sermon (story time!), music, prayer and more! Kids will not only enjoy their time together but will also have a chance to chat about the scripture lesson. Since their family members are experiencing the same readings and lessons in “big” church, everyone will be ready to share their worship encounters throughout the week! After 30-35 minutes of this special children’s time, everyone will re-join their families and friends in the ongoing family worship service.


Children’s Sunday School

Sundays 9:45am

Family Life Center Room 5

Children join together each Sunday in a creatively decorated space (FLC Room 5) which reflects the theme of the month.

Each week is a new learning experience that rotates among various stations like storytelling, missions, art, science, recreation, food prep, and more! The freshness each week is inspiring and allows space for all types of learning through listening, seeing, and hands-on activities.


Mission Madness 

Fridays 6:00pm-8:00pm (once a month)

Family Life Center (gym)


Mission Madness is now for everyone so come and be sure to bring some friends!

Each month we will get together and learn about a new mission opportunity. Our time together will involve learning, creative activities, family games, food, and fun!

 We will also be painting gourd birdhouses to sell at the Silver Belles Bazaar in November. Once we have those proceeds in hand, we will use our earnings to support one of the missions we have learned about.

 Join in for our upcoming dates and topics:

August 23 – Shoes that Fit (USA)

September 27 – Creation Care (NC)

October 18 – Read and Feed (Garner)



Special Events

Throughout the year, we celebrate children in our community with many special events. Each one is sure to provide the children with fun, fellowship, food and some great learning opportunities. Be sure to look for our Spring Fling, Vacation Bible School, Fall Festival, Breakfast with Mary and Joseph, and lots more!